Welcome to the Shareware Center:

Most shareware are compressed in ZIP format. If you don't have a copy of ZIP file extractor, you can click unz512x.exe to download a copy of Info-ZIP's UnZip 5.12 (a free DOS zipfile extractor). Save the file as unz512x.exe, and at the command line type unz512x.

Shareware Archives:

Washington University Shareware Archive
Shareware Archive at Oakland

A Few Popular Shareware Used by Browser Users:

wplny09b.zip: A Windows sound player
lviewp1a.zip: LView Pro, Image file editor/viewer/converter
vfw11.zip: Video for Windows Runtime
qtw11.zip: Quicktime (V1.1) for Windows MOV viewer
qtw200.zip: Quicktime (V2.0) for Windows MOV viewer
mpegwin.zip: Windows MPEG viewer
mpegxing.zip: Windows MPEG viewer (Xing)
Movie & Graphic Shareware Hot List
Graphic and movie utility hot list from NCSU